God’s Pattern for Revival from Claude V King on Vimeo.
Discipleship happens best when God’s people are in a right relationship with Him.
From Fresh Encounter this diagram illustrates seven phases in God’s pattern for revival and spiritual awakening. God is at work to reconcile a world to Himself, and He’s chosen to do that through His people and the work of Jesus Christ His Son through them. When His people depart, He disciplines them and calls them to repent and return. When God revives His people, He works through them to exalt His Son and draw people to saving faith in Him. When that happens quickly and in large numbers or high percentages of a population, we call it "spiritual awakening."
The Seven Phases in God’s Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening include:
➊ God is on mission to redeem a lost world. God calls His
people into a relationship with Himself, and He
accomplishes His work through them.
➋ God’s people tend to depart from Him, turning to substitutes
for His presence, purposes, and ways.
➌ God disciplines His people out of His love for them.
➍ God’s people cry out to Him for help.
➎ God calls His people to repent and return to Him or perish.
➏ God revives His repentant people by restoring them to a right
relationship with Himself.
➐ God exalts His Son Jesus in His people and draws the lost to
saving faith in Him.*
* Fresh Encounter: God’s Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King. ©2009 LifeWay Press.