Hello, I’m Claude King. For many years I served as a discipleship and church health specialist at LifeWay Christian Resources. For over three decades, I’ve been involved in helping people and churches make disciples. Many godly men have profoundly influenced my own walk with the Lord including Avery Willis, Henry Blackaby, T. W. Hunt, Archie King (my dad) and a host of others.
I thoroughly enjoy getting to help people and churches in the process of making and growing disciples, but I’m limited in how much I can do in person. I started this blog in order to “download” some of the things I’ve learned and share some messages that have impacted people and groups through the years. I also want to share resources that may be tools you can use to help yourself and others do a better job of being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
In His Final Command, Jesus gave us a huge assignment: “make disciples of all peoples . . . and teach them to obey everything I’ve commanded.” As impossible as that is with our human abilities and resources, we can obey that command because Jesus promises to be with us. He enables and empowers our fulfillment of this Great Commission. Let’s follow Paul’s model and strive with all His energy that works through us to present everyone perfect and mature in Christ (Col. 1:28-29).
Claude V. King, Murfreesboro, TN