The Moravian Revival from Claude V King on Vimeo.
On August 13, 1727, a group of 300 religious refugees met to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. As they focused on the love of their wounded Savior–Jesus Christ–they experienced a renewed love for Him that led them to change their world. This Moravian Revival led to the beginning of the 100 Year Prayer Meeting and to a mighty missions movement. Missionaries from this band influenced John Wesley’s conversion and William Carey’s heart for the heathen in foreign lands. They adopted as their battle cry for missions: "to win for the Lamb that was slain the rewards of His suffering."
For more on the Moravian Revival see:
1. Power from on High: The Story of the Great Moravian Revival of 1727 by John Greenfield. (Bethlehem, PA: The Moravian Church in America, 1928).
2. The Key to the Missionary Problem by Andrew Murray. (New York: American Tract Society, 1902) 36-67.