Renewing Our Covenant Commitments to Jesus Christ

Consecrate the People from Claude V King on Vimeo.


Jesus is standing in the throne room of heaven with hands open asking for us to present our lives to Him as living sacrifices. What kind of life will you present to Him? Consecrate the People is an 8-day devotional guide designed to help Christian individuals, churches, and groups prepare themselves for a sacred assembly before their holy God.

Though it can be used at other times, it is designed so a pastor can preach on a Sunday to issue a call to a sacred assembly. The booklet helps members prepare (consecrate) themselves during the week. Then the congregation gathers the following Sunday to renew their covenant commitments to Jesus Christ in a time of sacred assembly. Let’s be diligent to prepare lives that will be pleasing offerings to our King Jesus.

Contents include:
• Day 1: Call a Sacred Assembly
• Day 2: Prepare Yourself
• Day 3: Return to Your First Love
• Day 4: Remove the Idols in Your Heart
• Day 5: Humble Yourself and Put Away Pride
• Day 6: Be Holy as God Is Holy
• Day 7: Restore Your Broken Relationships
• Day 8: Renew Your Covenant with God


You may download and print a PDF file of Consecrate the People: Renewing Our Covenant Commitments to Jesus Christ for your review at on the “8 Days of Consecration” page. LifeWay Christian Resources has published copies you may purchase in packs of 10 for $4.95 by calling toll free (800) 458-2772 or by ordering online at (The 10-Pack is Item #005354150). The copyright notice permits denominations and other Christian ministries to reproduce and/or translate the booklet for personal or church use.