Henry Blackaby
Angola Prison Testimonies from Experiencing God DVDs
God has been working to transform the Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola Prison) over the past two decades. This bonus footage from the course Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God DVDs (2007) includes interviews from John Robson and inmate ministers involved in the seminary program at Angola.They are used by permission from LifeWay Christian Resources. Go to Lifeway.com for more information about Experiencing God. Watch the full story or view smaller segments. Click “Read More” below to watch individual segments: Part 1: John Robson, Director Part 2: Dannie Johnson, Inmate Minister Part 3: Kyle Hebert, Inmate Minister…
Experiencing God Restoring Life and Vitality
While helping start a new church, I watched a church experience God restoring life and vitality. The senior adults at New Hope had been trying to hold on to life, and they were dwindling away. When they began to give themselves to help start a new church, they began to experience a restored life and vitality! Jesus talked about that principle in Luke 9:24: “Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it” (NIV). Is your church focusing all your attention on yourselves trying to hold onto life? Seek the…
Is your church a den of thieves or a house of prayer?
How could God’s people miss what should have been the greatest revival in all of history? God’s people were so disoriented to God that when God Himself (in the person of Jesus Christ) came to lead the revival, they rejected Him and His message. Jesus explained that they were supposed to be a house of prayer, but they had become a den of thieves and robbers. Inspired by a message by Henry Blackaby on Luke 19:41-45, I’ve contrasted a house of prayer for the nations (described in Isaiah 56:1-8) and a den of robbers (described in Jeremiah 7:9-11). Lest we…
Prayerwalking: Taking Prayer to the Streets of Your City
Prayerwalking is “praying onsite with insight.” This video produced by New Hope New York in 2003 will help you take prayer to the streets of your city. You will learn what prayerwalking is and how to do it. Mobilize and train your church to pray for your city and even other cities for which God may call you to pray. Prayerwalking can plow the spiritual ground of a city for the movement of God’s Spirit in the city or community.
Experiencing God: A Documentary
[brightcove_embed video_id=”2228953467001″] Experiencing God has helped thousands of people see the world through a different lens. They have begun to see it how God sees it, they have uncovered God’s will for their lives and then done it. This film will take you on a journey as you watch someone else experiencing many of the realities found in this movement of God. It will explore many stories that have been uncovered showing how God has placed Experiencing God in hands of international leaders, prisoners, and Christ followers who have been awakened to see the world how God see’s the world. For…