The early church met in the temple courts (big church) and house to house (little church within the church) [Acts 2:46]. The small groups are where the church functions more like a body where members care about one another and spur one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25). New groups are a way Christians can penetrate lostness. Here are two powerful testimonies of what God can do.
Example #1: The First French Speaking Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York
Jean Baptiste Thomas started the First French Speaking Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York, in his living room while J. P. Morgan Chase paid his salary in the banking industry. When I visited the church with some seminary students in 2004, we saw probably 1,500 in their French service and another 500 in their English service for youth and young adults. This church with no paid staff had started over 50 churches around the country. Listen to and share this encouraging testimony with your group or church. Who knows what seeds will be planted?
Example #2: Hosting a Group in Your Home–Aquila and Priscilla
Aquila and Priscilla were tentmakers who met Paul the Apostle in Corinth and later went with him to Ephesus. In Ephesus Aquila and Priscilla hosted a church in their home. Later they moved to Rome and hosted a church in their home in that city. Listen to and share their story with your group or church. Then pray. Is it possible that God would have you host a Bible study group in your home?