Claude V. King

Claude King is an experienced discipleship and church health specialist, author, inspirational speaker, and conference leader. He is the author or coauthor of over 20 books and discipleship courses including Experiencing God, Fresh Encounter, The Mind of Christ, The Call to Follow Christ, Come to the Lord’s Table, Meet Jesus Christ, Return to Me, and others. Claude is a co-founder and serves as President of the Board of Directors for Final Command Ministries. He is a graduate of Belmont University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Praying Up To Pentecost

Guide your church in praying for a spiritual harvest from Easter Sunday through Pentecost Sunday using this downloadable, reproducible guide. Click the following link to download the 4-page guide. Praying Up To Pentecost  

Using Curriculum in 1-to-1 and Small Group Discipleship[/embed’ Godly men and women have learned truths from God’s Word tested by a lifetime of following the Lord that can be of great benefit to others who are just starting the journey. Sometimes “curriculum” can be a content download rather than an interactive training experience. In this video clip I describe the way I’ve helped design curriculum resources that allow learners to experience these godly men and women in a 1-to-1 mentoring environment. Then these prepared learners can get together with a live mentor or small group to process what he or she is learning and seek help or…

Returning to Disciple-Making

  [Click Picture to View Presentation. Then click “more info” button for right-side details.] Churches and leaders are recognizing they have missed the mark of making faithful and mature followers of Jesus Christ. Examine motivations, strategies and resources for returning to effective and fruitful disciple-making. This 62 minute video/PowerPoint presentation on is in 8 chapters. Select chapters in the lower right corner to watch a segment. Download the handout under “More Info” button at the bottom center. Chapters include: 1. Introduction 2. Returning to Disciple-Making 3. The Multiplication Potential 4. Discipling Toward Maturity 5. Resources for Discipleship 6. Turning…

Awaken 2012: A 21-day Prayer Guide

    Our great need in North America is for a spiritual awakening that transforms lives, families, cities, and ultimately our society and culture by the working of God’s Holy Spirit. Awaken 2012 is a 21-day prayer guide to direct the prayers of God’s people toward revival and awakening. First written for Louisiana churches, it is available for all who wish to join in prayer and fasting for revival and awakening. In this video I challenge churches to undertake the following:   December 31, 2011 Celebrate a Watch-night Service (or Cry at Midnight) January 1-21, 2012 Follow the guided prayer…

Week One: Taking Your First Steps as a Follower of Jesus Christ

Provide new Christians with a daily devotional guide for their first week in following Jesus Christ. I’ve designed the booklet so a church could give it to people making a decision for Christ with encouragement to “start today.” I built in a coaching process so new believers can develop and discuss questions with a more mature believer. Ideally they immediately will move into a connection with an ongoing Bible study group and continue growing as a disciple. LifeWay has agreed for me to share this freely. The copyright notice grants rights to translate and/or reproduce for non-commercial purposes. The Daily…

Courage to Study “Experiencing God”

A missionary working in the slums of Lima, Peru, gave me this copy of Experiencing God (Spanish). The owner had been beaten by her husband as he burned this book and her Bible. He threatened to kill her if she ever went back to church. She brought this book to the missionary and asked for a new copy to continue the study. I yearn for that kind of hunger for God and His Word.

God’s Activity in Bartow County, Georgia

Last December (2010) I had the privilege of interviewing David Franklin about God’s activity in Bartow County, Georgia, that is transforming lives, churches, and the community. God is working in such encouraging ways that I’ve become a "prisoner of hope" (See Zechariah 9:12.). I pray that God will find pastors and churches all over the nation who will surrender to His use and purposes to see a similar work in their communities. To watch other videos about God’s work in the county see my Vimeo Album at:

Homage Ceremony and Full Surrender to King Jesus

I came across a statement in an Andrew Murray book that pointed me to the homage ceremony. It has become for me a powerful reminder every time I pray of my need to fully surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.   The homage ceremony of the Middle Ages gives us some powerful imagery of full surrender. Christians translated that into a posture for prayer that included full surrender to King Jesus as Lord and Master. Added to the definition of "consecration" as "to fill up the open hands," we have a wonderful invitation from our Lord to consecrate our…

Experiencing God in Appalachia, Part 1

God is using the stories of His work in Lynch, Kentucky, to stir many others to respond to His invitations that require a walk of faith. In Part 1 you will hear of Lonnie & Belinda’s call to minister to mountain. You will hear about a "hedge clipping ministry, the Freedom Center clothing ministry, Hair & Nail Day, a back to school ministry, and God’s provision for remodeling a theater for Christian community programs. These testimonies come from the DVDs in "Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God" by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King. They are…

Parable of the PVC Pipe

The Christian’s life can be compared to a PVC pipe. God wants us connected to Him and available so His Living Water flows through us to impact the people we are connected to through our relationships.To function effectively:   1. We need the relationship with the Lord to be right.   2. We need our lives cleansed of all the impurities that could clog our "pipe."   3. We need to reconcile and forgive so no broken relationship would hinder the free flow of God’s love and life through us.