Discipleship Tools
Week One: Taking Your First Steps as a Follower of Jesus Christ
Revised Edition 2017 (FREE download below) Week One is a 7-day devotional booklet designed to help a new believer establish some fundamental understandings and practices as they begin their new life in Christ. I’ve designed the booklet so a church could give it to people making a decision for Christ with encouragement to “start today.” And I built in a coaching process so they can discuss questions with a more mature believer. Ideally they will move immediately into a connection with a Bible study group and continue growing as a disciple. Some churches have taken their congregation through the week-long devotional as…
Introducing Prayer Boot Camps
Recent response to War Room indicates that God is calling His people to prayer, and God’s people are responding with a hunger to learn to pray more effectively and strategically. Developed by Claude King, Prayer Boot Camp is a flexible prayer training experience to provide basic training in prayer and to introduce the weapons of our spiritual warfare. It is not just learning about prayer. It is learning to pray by praying together. The content is based on The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, developers of War Room. The Prayer Boot Camp utilizes a learning map…
3 Principles for Developing the Mind of Christ
When the world around us grows darker, the primary problem is not with the darkness. Dark can only be dark. That is its nature. The real problem is with the light. When light shines into darkness, it dispels darkness. Let’s decide by an act of our will to allow God to transform us into the image of Christ. In The Mind of Christ T. W. Hunt describes three stages. 1. The Beginning Stage or the Will Principle (Colossians 3:1-2) 2. The Growing Stage or the River Principle (Romans 12:1-2) 3. The Qualified Stage or the Readiness Principle (1 Peter 1:13-16)…
Establishing a Core Curriculum for Disciple Making
Just as universities require a core curriculum for a particular degree program, churches need to establish a core curriculum for disciples. They may offer many courses of study to appeal to personal interests of members, but disciples of Jesus Christ need to be trained and equipped in the essentials of faith and practice. If your church does not have an established foundational curriculum, I’d like to recommend a set of resources for your consideration. Week One: Taking Your First Steps as a Follower of Jesus Christ Growing Disciples Series Growing Disciples: The Call to Follow Christ (by Claude King) Growing Disciples:…
3 Tools for Planning a Year of Intentional Discipleship
Jesus commanded us to make disciples and teach them to obey everything He commanded. That assignment will not be accomplished without an intentional plan. In this video clip Sergio Arce and I will help you with tools that can assist you in an intentional plan of making mature disciples and in developing the leadership needed to carry out that plan. Disciple-making guides people to be transformed in Christlikeness so they think and act like Christ. The following is a link for a FREE print download for: Discipleship: Stepping-Stones to Developing Your Church’s Strategy . Watch a Free Webinar on the Growing Disciples…
Preparing the Bride of Christ for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb
When the church is presented to Christ as the bride of Christ at the wedding supper of the Lamb, she will have prepared herself (Revelation 19:7). She will be pure and dressed in fine linen–the righteous acts of the saints. We are not ready for that event, but we can be. I believe God gave us the Lord’s Supper to return to our first love for Christ. Then, because of our love for Him, we will prepare ourselves to be the beautiful and pure bride He deserves. If we will prepare ourselves for that future wedding supper of the Lamb…
One Free Tool for New Christians
Provide new Christians with a daily devotional guide for their first week in following Jesus Christ. In 2011 I designed a booklet so a church could give it to people making a decision for Christ with encouragement to “start today.” I built in a coaching process so new believers can develop and discuss questions with a more mature believer. Ideally they immediately will move into a connection with an ongoing Bible study group and continue growing as a disciple. LifeWay granted permission for me to share this freely. The copyright notice grants rights to translate and/or reproduce for non-commercial purposes.…
FREE Andrew Murray Book: The State of the Church
Andrew Murray published The State of the Church following the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. His description of the low spiritual condition of the church seems very contemporary with the conditions today. His recommendations of biblical remedies are just as needed today. Download a free copy of the text or choose the one in which I’ve highlighted “quotable quotes”: The State of the Church by Andrew Murray The State of the Church by Andrew Murray with selected highlights
Using Curriculum in 1-to-1 and Small Group Discipleship
https://vimeo.com/42798393[/embed’ Godly men and women have learned truths from God’s Word tested by a lifetime of following the Lord that can be of great benefit to others who are just starting the journey. Sometimes “curriculum” can be a content download rather than an interactive training experience. In this video clip I describe the way I’ve helped design curriculum resources that allow learners to experience these godly men and women in a 1-to-1 mentoring environment. Then these prepared learners can get together with a live mentor or small group to process what he or she is learning and seek help or…
Week One: Taking Your First Steps as a Follower of Jesus Christ
Provide new Christians with a daily devotional guide for their first week in following Jesus Christ. I’ve designed the booklet so a church could give it to people making a decision for Christ with encouragement to “start today.” I built in a coaching process so new believers can develop and discuss questions with a more mature believer. Ideally they immediately will move into a connection with an ongoing Bible study group and continue growing as a disciple. LifeWay has agreed for me to share this freely. The copyright notice grants rights to translate and/or reproduce for non-commercial purposes. The Daily…