Recent response to War Room indicates that God is calling His people to prayer, and God’s people are responding with a hunger to learn to pray more effectively and strategically. Developed by Claude King, Prayer Boot Camp is a flexible prayer training experience to provide basic training in prayer and to introduce the weapons of our spiritual warfare. It is not just learning about prayer. It is learning to pray by praying together. The content is based on The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, developers of War Room.
The Prayer Boot Camp utilizes a learning map that guides learning and prayer experiences based on content from The Battle Plan for Prayer.
I’ve developed the learning map, a leader guide, reproducible handouts, a script, and an optional PowerPoint file leaders can use to customize and conduct a Prayer Boot Camp for their groups, churches, ministries, or communities. All the instructions and files you need can be downloaded at on the bottom of this page.
At this link you will find three file folders. You can open each folder to see the contents. You may download entire folders, or you may download only those files and folders you check mark.