Claude King
Scotland Saw His Glory
When praying for revival and spiritual awakening in our land, can we do anything else after we pray? Richard Owen Roberts has a response based on the centuries of revival and awakening stories from Scotland in his book: “Scotland Saw His Glory.” “Note the frequency with which the Holy Spirit came to Scotland at Communion occasions. Without question, revival comes when God sends it, but there is some relationship between what His people do or don’t do and His coming. One of the most treasured questions which has ever been asked me was this: “Having prayed for revival, is there…
Angola Prison Testimonies from Experiencing God DVDs
God has been working to transform the Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola Prison) over the past two decades. This bonus footage from the course Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God DVDs (2007) includes interviews from John Robson and inmate ministers involved in the seminary program at Angola.They are used by permission from LifeWay Christian Resources. Go to for more information about Experiencing God. Watch the full story or view smaller segments. Click “Read More” below to watch individual segments: Part 1: John Robson, Director Part 2: Dannie Johnson, Inmate Minister Part 3: Kyle Hebert, Inmate Minister…
Introducing Prayer Boot Camps
Recent response to War Room indicates that God is calling His people to prayer, and God’s people are responding with a hunger to learn to pray more effectively and strategically. Developed by Claude King, Prayer Boot Camp is a flexible prayer training experience to provide basic training in prayer and to introduce the weapons of our spiritual warfare. It is not just learning about prayer. It is learning to pray by praying together. The content is based on The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, developers of War Room. The Prayer Boot Camp utilizes a learning map…
3 Principles for Developing the Mind of Christ
When the world around us grows darker, the primary problem is not with the darkness. Dark can only be dark. That is its nature. The real problem is with the light. When light shines into darkness, it dispels darkness. Let’s decide by an act of our will to allow God to transform us into the image of Christ. In The Mind of Christ T. W. Hunt describes three stages. 1. The Beginning Stage or the Will Principle (Colossians 3:1-2) 2. The Growing Stage or the River Principle (Romans 12:1-2) 3. The Qualified Stage or the Readiness Principle (1 Peter 1:13-16)…
Experiencing God Who Sees Me
I knew God is “the God who sees me” when I read Hagar’s story in Genesis 16. When you seem to be at the “end of your rope” and all hope seems to be gone, He is the God who knows where you are; and He cares. But on a Saturday morning I experienced God as “the God who sees me.”
Prayerwalking: Taking Prayer to the Streets of Your City
Prayerwalking is “praying onsite with insight.” This video produced by New Hope New York in 2003 will help you take prayer to the streets of your city. You will learn what prayerwalking is and how to do it. Mobilize and train your church to pray for your city and even other cities for which God may call you to pray. Prayerwalking can plow the spiritual ground of a city for the movement of God’s Spirit in the city or community.
One Free Tool for New Christians
Provide new Christians with a daily devotional guide for their first week in following Jesus Christ. In 2011 I designed a booklet so a church could give it to people making a decision for Christ with encouragement to “start today.” I built in a coaching process so new believers can develop and discuss questions with a more mature believer. Ideally they immediately will move into a connection with an ongoing Bible study group and continue growing as a disciple. LifeWay granted permission for me to share this freely. The copyright notice grants rights to translate and/or reproduce for non-commercial purposes.…
Experiencing God: A Documentary
[brightcove_embed video_id=”2228953467001″] Experiencing God has helped thousands of people see the world through a different lens. They have begun to see it how God sees it, they have uncovered God’s will for their lives and then done it. This film will take you on a journey as you watch someone else experiencing many of the realities found in this movement of God. It will explore many stories that have been uncovered showing how God has placed Experiencing God in hands of international leaders, prisoners, and Christ followers who have been awakened to see the world how God see’s the world. For…