
One Texas Church: Revival, Prayer, and Spiritual Harvest

In 1995 God revived His people at First Baptist Church of Wellington, Texas. They gave special emphasis to prayer during the spring of the year and focused their prayers on the lost people in their community. They prayed for 50 days between Easter and Pentecost Sunday and held 10 days of “Pentecost Prayer Meetings” following a model from South Africa. God took this revived and praying church to bring in a significant spiritual harvest during the coming months. They were willing to pay the price of returning to the Lord and experienced the fruit of obedience to Him. For a…

Become a Prisoner of Hope!

No matter how discouraging things seem to be around me, I realize I’m a “prisoner of hope.” I have seen and heard many stories of how God has transformed seemingly hopeless situations for His glory. Zechariah 9:11-12 describes what God does “because of the blood of your covenant.” He releases prisoners from their waterless cisterns (sound like Jeremiah 2:13?). God rescues us from our efforts to produce a substitute for Him. Then, when we return to Him as our stronghold, He captivates us with hope. Return to the Lord, and become a prisoner of hope!

Courage to Study “Experiencing God”

A missionary working in the slums of Lima, Peru, gave me this copy of Experiencing God (Spanish). The owner had been beaten by her husband as he burned this book and her Bible. He threatened to kill her if she ever went back to church. She brought this book to the missionary and asked for a new copy to continue the study. I yearn for that kind of hunger for God and His Word.

God’s Activity in Bartow County, Georgia

Last December (2010) I had the privilege of interviewing David Franklin about God’s activity in Bartow County, Georgia, that is transforming lives, churches, and the community. God is working in such encouraging ways that I’ve become a "prisoner of hope" (See Zechariah 9:12.). I pray that God will find pastors and churches all over the nation who will surrender to His use and purposes to see a similar work in their communities. To watch other videos about God’s work in the county see my Vimeo Album at: http://www.vimeo.com/23652961

Experiencing God in Appalachia, Part 1

God is using the stories of His work in Lynch, Kentucky, to stir many others to respond to His invitations that require a walk of faith. In Part 1 you will hear of Lonnie & Belinda’s call to minister to mountain. You will hear about a "hedge clipping ministry, the Freedom Center clothing ministry, Hair & Nail Day, a back to school ministry, and God’s provision for remodeling a theater for Christian community programs. These testimonies come from the DVDs in "Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God" by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King. They are…

Catalytic Event Part of Transformation

In a church running 70-80 one year prior, God visited Fellowship Baptist Church of Cartersville, Georgia (Bartow County) with a special sense of His presence. Since that Experiencing God Launch Weekend they’ve seen about 110 baptisms. Pastor Jeff Duvall explains: "That was where God began to reveal that He was tired of us playing church or just going through the motions, but He had something real for us." The key to what God is doing? "We’ve stayed on our face before God seeking Him." Jeff challenges his folks to "Brag on Jesus…. The presence of God is in the house!"…

Bartow County and Transformation #3

Bartow County, GA-3 from Claude V King on Vimeo. In transformation people become more like Jesus. Here’s a brief testimony (3 of 3) of some of what God is doing in the lives of people in Bartow County, GA. (Produced by LifeWay Productions, Dec. 2010)

Bartow County and Transformation #2

Bartow County, GA-2 from Claude V King on Vimeo. In transformation Churches act more like the body of Christ. Here’s a brief testimony (2 of 3) of some of what God is doing among the churches in Bartow County, GA. (Produced by LifeWay Productions, Dec. 2010)

Bartow County and Transformation #1

Bartow County, GA-1 from Claude V King on Vimeo. In transformation communities begin to reflect Christ’s Kingdom rule. Here’s a brief testimony (1 of 3) of some of what God is doing in Bartow County, GA. (Produced by LifeWay Productions, Dec. 2010)

Remembering a Disciple Maker

Avery Willis’s Final Testimony from Claude V King on Vimeo. Just prior to his death on July 30, 2010, Avery Willis gave a final personal testimony on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Say, "Yes, Lord, Yes!" Author of MasterLife and many other discipleship resources, Avery has profoundly impacted lives for Christ. He set an example for us of what a life surrendered to Christ looks like. He finished his race well. Let’s pray for God to continue raising up a new generation of spiritual leaders who will finish the task of taking the gospel to…