
The Discipleship Reserve Corps

The Discipleship Reserve Corps from Claude V King on Vimeo.   Does your church need additional leaders to help make fully devoted followers of Christ among your membership? Then call up the "Discipleship Reserve Corps." Seek out and identify people who have been equipped in the past through such discipleship processes as MasterLife by Avery Willis.   Who are the members in your church who have already been equipped to help others grow in their walk with the Lord. I’d suggest you look for…

The Christian Reserve Corps

The Christian Reserve Corps from Claude V King on Vimeo.   Do you know Christians who only joined the "reserve corps" and have no interest in active duty?   Many people have joined the church and see it as the "Christian Reserve Corps." They just want a reserved place in heaven, but they are not interested in active duty or service. Yet, the call to follow Christ is a call to active duty. The Christian is called to be on mission with Christ. Christianity is not a spectator sport. God intends for everyone to be an active member of the…

Motivating People Toward Growth

Parable of the Leaning Tower from Claude V King on Vimeo.   One great challenge in making disciples, is helping people want to be a faithful and devoted follower of Jesus Christ. That is a heart issue. Unless people love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, they will not make the desired progress toward growth as a disciple.   When God’s people have departed from Him, they may not realize it if they are looking at everybody else or other churches. Only when they examine themselves by God’s plumb line will they see the magnitude of…

God’s Pattern for Revival

God’s Pattern for Revival from Claude V King on Vimeo.   Discipleship happens best when God’s people are in a right relationship with Him.   From Fresh Encounter this diagram illustrates seven phases in God’s pattern for revival and spiritual awakening. God is at work to reconcile a world to Himself, and He’s chosen to do that through His people and the work of Jesus Christ His Son through them. When His people depart, He disciplines them and calls them to repent and return. When God revives His people, He works through them to exalt His Son and draw people…

Here’s Hope

Here’s Hope in Oakland, CA from Claude V King on Vimeo.   Could you use some hope that things in your church and community can change?   In 1990 the True Vine Missionary Baptist Church had to postpone "revival" services because they had so many people come to Christ they didn’t have room for them. Here’s a brief testimony of what God can do in a very difficult area when He has a people through whom He can work.   Do you have a story of what God has done that would encourage other believers or churches? Let’s encourage one…

The Final Command

The Final Command from Claude V King on Vimeo.   In different times and in different ways, Jesus gave His disciples one final command: "As you are going, make disciples." We are to be His witnesses. He wanted to make sure that His followers knew clearly the assignment He was giving and that they would be very intentional about obedience. The entire future of His Kingdom depends on our obedience to His Final Command. God does not have another plan to draw the lost world to saving faith in His Son.   I’m wanting to use this blog to open…