Claude V. King

Claude King is an experienced discipleship and church health specialist, author, inspirational speaker, and conference leader. He is the author or coauthor of over 20 books and discipleship courses including Experiencing God, Fresh Encounter, The Mind of Christ, The Call to Follow Christ, Come to the Lord’s Table, Meet Jesus Christ, Return to Me, and others. Claude is a co-founder and serves as President of the Board of Directors for Final Command Ministries. He is a graduate of Belmont University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Catalytic Event Part of Transformation

In a church running 70-80 one year prior, God visited Fellowship Baptist Church of Cartersville, Georgia (Bartow County) with a special sense of His presence. Since that Experiencing God Launch Weekend they’ve seen about 110 baptisms. Pastor Jeff Duvall explains: "That was where God began to reveal that He was tired of us playing church or just going through the motions, but He had something real for us." The key to what God is doing? "We’ve stayed on our face before God seeking Him." Jeff challenges his folks to "Brag on Jesus…. The presence of God is in the house!"…

Solemn Assembly #8: The Elijah Strategy

When it seems the whole culture has turned against the Lord and His ways, we need a leadership strategy that can turn that tide. Elijah’s strategy (1 Kings 16-18) included (1) recognizing that only God can turn hearts back to Him, (2) waiting before God in prayer for directions about what to do and when, (3) obeying all the commands of the Lord, (4) giving God the credit when He turns the hearts of His people back again.    Over the course of the following days, I’ll be blogging 8 videos related to the topic of understanding and leading a…

Solemn Assembly #7: Leadership

Based on the example and encouragement of Scripture, multiple leadership provides a sound model for solemn assemblies today. Most of the biblical revivals were attended by multiple leaders: normally two or more of the prophet, priest, and king. The example of God’s decision to spare a generation from His judgments because of King Josiah’s repentance that took place prior to the response of the people is a great encouragement that leaders can lead the way toward revival. But only God can turn the hearts of His people back to Him. Be encouraged that He can. Pray that He will.  …

Solemn Assembly #6: Departure Markers

Just as remembering the spiritual markers of God’s activity with and blessing on His people is important, identifying departure markers can be a valuable aide in returning to the Lord. A departure marker is a time when a church or group departed from God’s will or violated a command and now suffer the consequences of His divine discipline. This can help a church confess and repent of the sin and return to the Lord for restored fellowship.   Over the course of the following days, I’ll be blogging 8 videos related to the topic of understanding and leading a solemn…

Solemn Assembly #5: Remembering

A very prominent feature of most biblical solemn assemblies was the practice of remembering the special things God had done in behalf of His people. When our heart departs (Deuteronomy 30:17) from our first love for God, remembering God’s kindnesses can lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4) just as powerfully as godly sorrow over our sin (2 Corinthians 7:10). Jesus commanded the church at Ephesus to remember the height from which they had fallen and repent and return to their first love for Him. Let’s remember all His goodness toward us as we return to Him.   Over the course…

Solemn Assembly #4: The New Testament Practice

Though the term "solemn assembly" is not used in the New Testament, we see numerous occasions where solemn assemblies were practiced. Most significant of those were the Last Supper that took place at Passover, the Day of Pentecost as the first fruits of the church were gathered, and the deliverance of Peter from prison following the Feast of Unleavened Bread.   Over the course of the following days, I’ll be blogging 8 videos related to the topic of understanding and leading a solemn assembly. If you don’t want to wait for the blogs, you can view them in a video…

Solemn Assembly #3: The Joy of the Lord is your strength

The Ezra-Nehemiah revival in Nehemiah 8-9 provides valuable instruction on the purpose, leadership, and practice of solemn assemblies. Focusing attention on God and what He has done for us can provide the joy of the Lord as our strength for a thorough repentance and return to Him and the standards set forth in His Word.   Over the course of the following days, I’ll be blogging 8 videos related to the topic of understanding and leading a solemn assembly. If you don’t want to wait for the blogs, you can view them in a video album at:

Solemn Assembly #2: Understanding the Term

"Solemn assembly" and "holy convocation" are terms used almost interchangeably to describe a sacred gathering of God’s people to renew their covenant relationship with Him. Solemn assemblies include times to remember God’s blessings, His provision, and His guidance. They are also times for corporate repentance of sin and returning to the Lord.   Over the course of the following days, I’ll be blogging 8 videos related to the topic of understanding and leading a solemn assembly. If you don’t want to wait for the blogs, you can view them in a video album at:

Solemn Assembly Tools

Consecrate the People is an 8-day devotional guide designed to help Christian individuals, churches, and groups prepare themselves for a sacred assembly before their holy God. Though it can be used at other times, it is designed so a pastor can preach on a Sunday to issue a call to a sacred assembly. The booklet helps members prepare (consecrate) themselves during the week. Then the congregation gathers the following Sunday to renew their covenant commitments to Jesus Christ in a time of sacred assembly. Let’s be diligent to prepare lives that will be pleasing offerings to our King Jesus. Contents…

Solemn Assembly #1: The Call

On September 17, 1989, prayer leaders issued a call to prayer and solemn assembly. That call is just as needed today. Here’s a bit of history about the decision to issue that call that might be part of a "reformation type of revival led by the leadership."   Over the course of the following days, I’ll be blogging 8 videos related to the topic of understanding and leading a solemn assembly. If you don’t want to wait for the blogs, you can view them in a video album at:   For the text of that call….